Curriculum vitae of Prof Dr Möslein, LL.M. (London)

Apprenticeship as a bank clerk
Studied business administration in Augsburg and at the University of Hagen (Dipl.-Kfm.)
Law degree from Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich
Studies abroad at the Université Paris II/Assas (Licence en droit)
First state examination in law
Master's programme at University College London (LL.M. in International Business Law)
Legal clerkship in Munich, with stays abroad in Beijing and Paris
Second state examination in law
Research assistant at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
since 2004
Research assistant at the Humboldt University of Berlin
Doctorate (Dr. jur.) at the University of Hamburg
Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute, Florence (Italy)
Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)
since 2010
Schumpeter Fellow of the Volkswagen Foundation
Assistant Professor at the Law Department of the University of St. Gallen (HSG)
Professor of Civil Law, International Commercial and Corporate Law, University of Bremen
since 2013
Professor of Civil Law, German and European Business Law at the Philipps University of Marburg
2014 - 2015
Visiting Fellow UC Berkeley School of Law (USA); Stanford Law School (USA)
aswell as at the European University Institute, Florenz (Italien)
2015 - 2016
Dean of the Faculty of Law at the Philipps University of Marburg
Visiting Professor, Law Department, Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid
2017 - 2018
Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law, Philipps University of Marburg
since 2018
Founding Director of the Institute for the Law of Digitalisation (IRDi) at the Philipps University of Marburg
2019 -2020
Global Research Fellow at the Grunin Center for Law and Social Entrepreneurship, New York University (NYU); research project on "Disclosing Corporate Goodness - Comparative and Functional Perspectives on Reporting and Certification Regimes".
since Jan. 2020
Member of the Board of the Hessian Competence Centre for Responsible Digitalisation (ZEVEDI)
since March 2020
Associated Faculty of the Big Data Lab at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt
since march 2020
Guest Professor of Law and Economics at the Law School of the University of St. Gallen
since April 2020
Member of the Academic Advisory Body (AAB) of the International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA)
2020 - 2021
Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Law at the Philipps University of Marburg
since Aug. 2020
Member of the Management Board and Deputy Head of the Hessian Competence Centre for Responsible Digitalisation (ZEVEDI)