Curriculum vitae of Prof Dr Sebastian Omlor, LL.M. (NYU), LL.M. Eur.

Birth in Neunkirchen (Saar)
Abitur at the Johanneum Gymnasium in Homburg (Saar), prize from the Saarland state parliament for the best politics Abitur in the state
Civilservice at Saarland University Hospital
2002 – 2007
Law studies at the University of Saarland
2003 – 2005
Student assistant at the Department of German and European Procedural and Labour Law as well as Civil Law (Prof. Dr Stephan Weth) at Saarland University
1. Legal examination
2007 – 2015
Research Assistant, from 12/2010 Academic Councillor (ret.), from 12/2013 Academic Senior Councillor (ret.) at the Chair for
Civil Law, Commercial and Business Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law
(Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Michael Martinek) at Saarland University
Master of European Law (LL.M. Eur.), Europainstitut, Saarland University
2008 – 2010
Legal clerkship at the Palatinate Higher Regional Court of Zweibrücken with station in the office of RA at the BGH
Prof. Dr Dr h.c. Norbert Gross
Doctorate at the University of Saarland with the thesis " Traffic Protection in Corporate Law"
Second state examination in law (best in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate)
Research Assistant, Prof. Marcel Kahan, New York University (NYU) School of Law
Master of Laws (LL.M.), New York University (NYU) School of Law
Postdoctoral lecturing qualification at the University of Saarland, habilitation thesis "Private Money Law - Dematerialisation,
Europeanisation, Devaluation" Authorisation to teach civil law, commercial law, private international law, European law and
International Law, European Law and Comparative Law
Temporary professorships at the University of Heidelberg
Faculty deputies at the University of Freiburg
Offer of a professorship in civil law at EBS University of Business and Law
and another subject (declined)
Offer of a W3 professorship at the University of Halle-Wittenberg in Civil Law, Commercial Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law (declined)
Private International Law and Comparative Law (declined)
Offer of a W3 professorship in Civil Law, Comparative Law and another subject at the University of Marburg (declined)
Appointment as university professor at the University of Marburg